Wall Displays

Let Frost Digital Imaging create vivid wall art form your your images.

These works of "photo art" can grace the walls of many styles of decor and appeal to a wide variety of clientele

We print on many different surface such as metal, acrylic & wood just to name a few

Canvas Gallery Wraps
Acrylic Print - Facemount
Acrylic Print - Direct Print
Metal Prints - Direct Print
Custom Framing

Images are printed on special “Metallic” photographic paper and then carefully adhered to to high quality cast acrylic panels using our special processes and feature a stunning true photo feel.

  • Each acrylic print features a smooth torched edge for a clean appearance when viewed from the side
  • Sizes from 11x14 and larger

Please note: All acrylic prints feature a unique “U channel” mounting applied to the back of each piece for easy installation.

Images are directly printed on to high quality cast acrylic panels using our special processes and feature vibrant UV Inks.

  • Each acrylic print features a smooth torched edge for a clean appearance when viewed from the side
  • All acrylic prints feature a unique “U channel” mounting applied to the back of each piece for easy installation.
  • Available in sizes 11x14 and larger

Please note: All acrylic prints feature a unique U channel mounting applied to the back of each piece for easy installation

Images are directly printed on to high quality metal panels using our special processes and feature vibrant UV Inks.

  • White Panel Option: Vibrant colour almost "Hi Definition" in appearance. These prints will give you a true to life result and when viewing an image the whites in your file print “White”
  • Brushed Panel Option: Gives you the true metal effect but does show the brushed texture through the printed surface. Generally white is not used in this application thus if you want white to print it needs to be altered in photoshop to be a light shade of grey.
  • Available sizes 11x14 and larger

Please note: All metal prints feature a unique U channel mounting applied to the back of each piece for easy installation

Coming Soon!! Please Contact Us for details regarding this upcoming product offering